Waffles just aren’t very practical in my house. Years ago, I used to buy the frozen blueberry ones in a box. It was ridiculous how we went through those. I had to put my foot down. Nowadays I don’t make them often because it takes forever—I can only produce two every six minutes. It is an all morning affair.
But on rare occasions, when there isn’t anything pressing that morning, I pull out the waffle iron and pop the beaters and mixing bowl into the freezer (I fold whipped egg whites into my batter for melt-in-your-mouth fluffiness). The kids know what that means, and all of a sudden, this boring morning with nothing to do is magically transformed into a holiday!
Someone volunteers to whip the egg whites while I compile the rest of the ingredients into a thick batter. I like to double the recipe to make the most of the work. If I am going to be chained to the kitchen, I might as well commit, right? My goal is to have a few waffles to freeze so that we can have a labor-free treat on some school morning. More often, we just have waffles for breakfast, brunch, lunch and linner.
Ok, so it isn’t the healthiest thing ever. But to have that lazy family morning where everyone is close, waiting for the timer to ding again, chatting, snuggling, with nothing better to do than to just be together… It is worth being a little hypoglycemic come late afternoon, isn’t it?