On page 184, the modern woman is talking with her guardian angel about all that is going on. She has just received eternal salvation and desperately wants to save these people from what she knows is happening. Her angel is trying to rein her in. He tells her that she isn't enough and the little bit of truth she has is not enough. Her angel speaks in broken English; why, I don't know. I will copy below:
"You sent me here to fight the darkness."
"You not know who fight with you. That big truth you still need."
"this is what I know: Death doesn't want their bodies. He has no use for them. Bodies are not eternal, not in any world. Spirits are. These are what he seeks. That's why the Enemy appears as a disease. There is no one visible. No one to blame but God...."
This is an intriguing thought to me. Satan is no dummy. A fool, perhaps, but an expert in human folly, as well. We love to blame. We love to explain. We need to know WHY. WHO. If we do, we feel we can have some control. So, Satan offers no body (nobody) for us to blame when he acts.
And the odd truth that fits with human idiosyncrasy is that even those people who don't believe in God are willing to blame him for evil. We are more ready to admit His existence as the One without a Body (forgetting that is our own role), than acknowledge that there are others without bodies who are acting. And if we admit only His existence and see body-less acts, then He gets the credit--or blame, as the case may be.
So interesting to me.
In Ginger Garrett's After Words, she speaks about her personal beliefs regarding Satan and the change in the world's perspective on Evil as a result of the Black Plague.
Regarding her personal beliefs, she says there is an 'active, intelligent evil in the world...at work to destroy everything God considers beautiful.' She continues to talk about how today evil and Satan are trivialized, citing that the Devil is a mascot for ham. the images we have of both angels and devils have become so trivialized that we see no reason to pay them any serious considerations.
At the time of the Black plague, angles were considered mighty warriors--in keeping with what we read in Scripture. In the age immediately following the Black Plague (a time Garrett calls the death of the angels), the Renaissance (she refers to as the Age of Fear) art portrays angels as cherubs looking more like being needing protection that ones who may provide any. Devils, Death and evil are all given much more menace and power in the art created during this time.
So interesting... Which is more detrimental to faith, I wonder? The idea of innocuous angels ill-equipped to protect us from muscular and commanding evil or the whole lot of them being a joke?
Woo, this got long!
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