Friday, May 13, 2011

First ‘Looker’

Yesterday was our first day back to the routine of school after a two week break taken for vising family and cleaning and purging for the pending sale.  First days are always rough for us, and it is usually safe to assume we won’t get much accomplished.

We started late in the morning, managed to get in our prayer time and the phone rang.  A real estate agent was setting an appointment to bring in clients to view our house.  That was fast!  The appointment was two hours out—not enough time to school.  So we put it all away, managed the last minute cleaning and set our sights on an early lunch.  I had managed to pack three bins of things I knew we could live without for several months, so I needed to get those stowed in the garage.

Imagine my surprise when I opened to door to our youth pastor!  What a teeny, tiny place we live in.  I felt my cheek pressing up against the glass of the fish bowl as this sweet young couple repeated how ‘beautiful’ my home is.  I know my home can be warm, welcoming, lived-in, comfortable and fun.  But no one has EVER said my home was beautiful.  It was a little embarrassing.

Our youth pastor also happens to be the nephew of my dear friend, so I shot her a message when they left challenging her to guess the names of our first house hunters.  Crazy!

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