Friday, March 2, 2012


Please check out the links on the left sidebar.  There are sites that are genuinely worth your time.  The first is for my friends who are waiting to adopt a child.  Please share that site with your family and friends.  You can visit their website to get to know two wonderful people.

The next is a link you can use to keep updated on my older sister’s progress as she lives with brain cancer.  You must have a log-in account, but it doesn’t take more than five minutes to begin one.  With your account, you can visit my sister’s site (Diane Porter) and sign up to receive email and text alerts to stay current with her latest updates.  You can also create pages for others you know going through a medical trial.

The third link is for VOICE Today, which is an organization dedicated to stopping child sexual abuse through education, prevention and healing programs.   This is a nonprofit organization that offers a tax deduction on contributions.  They host free training programs to anyone who is interested in a variety of specialties within this field, including being safe on the internet, talking with children about sexual abuse and healing for those who have been victimized.

Another “Link I Like” is for MOMS, a non-profit organization that serves in Sierra Leone to accommodate healthier births and increase the survival rates of babies.  They train local women to become midwives and equip them to train even more local women in the same service.  While our economy is hurting individual families, it really hurts organizations such as these that depend on donations from people who care.  Please share this link with others and consider ways that you can help families in West Africa, whose poverty is beyond most American’s personal experience.  While $20 may not mean much to us, it goes much further there!

The Home School Foundation is another worthy cause that strives to serve families in need.  The Home School Foundation serves homeschooling families who have suffered loss by giving school supplies, home repair, money and more.  It is a newer organization that is working to place Ambassadors across the nation who make connections at the local level to identify families in need and to raise money for them.

The rest of the links are on the more frivolous side.  The Homeschool fun store is a link that will take you to an online store that has neat designs for homeschooling families.  There are clothing, beverage containers, buttons and other items that make special gifts.  My little sister created the cute sayings and images and I hope to grow the sales at the store so that she might have a little bonus income.  Find Your Spot is a dreamy place to visit when you are curious about the top locations you could move to make a new life.  Keep them secret so that when you go into the Witness Protection Program, no one will know where to look while you are living in your personal paradise!  Finally is KidsROCK Academy’s site.  This is a homeschool support and enrichment group that is currently less active than in years past.  But if you are a homeschooler looking for ideas, it is a good place to go.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing our site; VOICEtoday. We are working hard wherever we are invited to share this story and powerful message to others.


Thanks for taking the time to talk with me!