Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Helpful or harmful?

The concept of forgiveness has come up over and over for me in the last few days.  We were even watching a TV show with the kids and my daughter asked why a character wouldn’t just forgive.  Earlier in the day, I had a picture of weights as a metaphor for forgiveness.  Then, in the show, the character who was so unforgiving was lifting weights!  I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share my picture with my daughter after that!

So, if we react to injury by lifting weights, it makes sense.  Lifting weights makes us strong, tough, more able to handle what is to come.  Who hasn’t vowed to never allow hurt in again?  Toughening up those muscles is like gaining permanent armor.  It sounds great. 

The problem is that the world we live in and the lives we live are more fluid than we care to acknowledge. There is more water than solid ground.  Weights and water really don’t mix well.  Just watch a cliché mob movie.  Those weights that you thought would save you will, in fact, lead to your end!  The only way to save your life is to let go.  Or…you could just drown!

1 comment:

  1. Cindy, I love how REAL you are in your posts. Yes, we do need to forgive and sometimes if we toughen up, put on a layer of skin, we can respond instead of react to a circumstance. God is the only answer. To change and mold our hearts.


Thanks for taking the time to talk with me!