Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Last night I had a very disturbing dream.  It was long and I can’t really remember the whole thing.

I am so very confident that homeschooling is right for our family.  I rarely struggle with doubt.  But the point of the dream was that I am failing my son hugely in regard to equipping properly with life skills.

At one point we were in a store and a man approached my twelve year old son.  My son ran to me (he is almost as tall as I am) and began crying uncontrollably.  He is not the least bit shy or timid in real life.  I had to calm him down and show him what to do.  I was trying, later in the dream, to get him to perform this simple task in the store.  It was with a big pole, so he had to be aware of not knocking anything over.  I gave him a guide for his foot so that he would be in a safe place.  Each and every time, much to the frustration of everyone in the room, his first move was off that marker. 

It was such a public display and so frustratingly hopeless.  I remember determining that I was going to have to buckle down and ‘grow him up,’ as soon as possible!

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