Friday, July 30, 2010


I am feeling so thankful that I picked up this new-to-me Bible study book by Lisa Welchel.  She demonstrates twenty different methods to studying the Bible, a new one each day.  Next we do all twenty methods on our own with new Bible passages.  Finally, she assigns Bible passages with three choices in methodology.   My plan is to use all three, stretching this to a 100 day program. 

I am only on day 6 and I am enjoying the discipline, affirmation and exposure I have already received.  Today we talked about meditation and she used Psalm 1:2-3 for her example.  I loved the cyclical aspect to today's study.  We were studying how to meditate on the Word.  The portion of the Word that she chose was a study on meditation!  :) 

To meditate on His law day and night is a delight.  We can be like trees planted by a running stream--living water.  Producing fruit in season, not withering and prospering in all we do. 

Lately I have felt very withered.  I am encouraged to know that I can sink my roots a little deeper and (I pray) realize (rather than just hope) that maybe I am not withering.  Maybe it just isn't my season to produce so much fruit.

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