Sunday, December 5, 2010

JJ Heller

Man, I really like this artist.  Her style is breathy and poetic, which isn’t always my style.  But her words so often speak my heart.  The first song of hers I heard was actually in an audition on So You Think You Can Dance.  It was just a snippet, but it captured me and I never forgot it. 

One day during summer I browsed you tube for more of her work.  I found this piece.  It brings to mind the images from Eustace the dragon from CS Lewis’ Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  It is so honest and vulnerable.

The other song that has stuck with me is this.  Being so undeserving of love, and yet needing it so desperately, God knows our sorry state.

There are many more.  If you have time, do some traveling through her music.  Enjoy!

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