Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pray for the Man

My darling husband is passionate about apologetics.  He is pretty alone in our little world, so it is understandable why he has been praying for an opportunity to go to a close, affordable conference.  And one is coming!!

At the end of the month there is a conference about 20 minutes from his brother's house!  Fifteen bucks!  God is good.  But my husband found out about it less than a month away, and at his work, you have to put in for holidays a month from the day you want to take off.  He managed to get the travel days off, but couldn't get the actual conference day, so he worked out a swap.

Someone will work for him on that day, and my husband worked for his buddy last night--10 pm to 6 am.  It's been a while since he has worked the night shift, and the job he got is fence patrol, literally driving in circles at 5mph for 8 hours.  His partners were joking that they expected to come to work this morning hearing about how he wrecked the truck. 

It's done now.  He is working his regular shift and I expect he'll come home and blissfully crash until tomorrow.  I pray his shift this morning is going well, and that he stays awake--especially on the drive home!

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